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Category: Health

Coronavirus expert: ‘War is an appropriate analogy’

Surviving Allergy Season (And Sinus Infections) in North Texas

To start, this is purely my experience based on trial and error. “Results May Vary,” or however the legal jargon is supposed to go to deflect responsibility for it not working, haha. 🙂

GM Soy Linked to Sterility, Infant Mortality … DuPont Just Approved to Begin Distributing New Type

This kind of makes me sick at my stomach. Just as a study is released within the past several months indicating genetically modified soy has been linked to sterility and infant mortality in hamsters (and thus likely humans as well), DuPont has been approved by the USDA to begin production of soy with yet another genetic modification.

Seeing how inept the government is at managing, well, anything these days, you can imagine my concern for what this means when the USDA claims to have vetted genetically modified food that we all will consume at some point in the near future. Read on and be prepared …

Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized Medicine – 1961

This couldn’t be any more prescient:

Interesting quotes by Norman Thomas, six times candidate for President under the Socialist Party ticket, one of which is mentioned in the audio above:

“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened.” – Norman Thomas, 1927

“I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democrat Party has adopted our platform.” – Norman Thomas

Hans-Hermann Hoppe on Healthcare Reform

A Four-Step Healthcare Solution (Archive)

This post will undoubtedly be met with a complete misunderstanding of what these solutions would actually do for those who cannot currently get health insurance (namely because of costs, resulting ultimately from government meddling, which has had a domino effect in the private sector). In particular, many will consider the proposal below of “[eliminating] all subsidies to the sick or unhealthy,” as a flagrant attack on the poor, sick and disenfranchised, when in reality, it will actually have the opposite effect of what might be expected. To many, such a proposal seems counter-intuitive, but the incentive created for the poor will be that costs are lowered, making it affordable for them.

I just wanted to preface the intent here, since some seem intent on framing such a proposal as “evil conservatism.” Such an assumption by some, to me at least, shows a great deal of intellectual dishonesty in not dealing with the argument proposed here. Letting the free market work, and getting the quasi-Marxism out of the mix, will have drastic effects on getting better healthcare coverage for all, including the poor and sick. If you disagree, fine. But don’t label such an idea as evil when clearly the goal is making healthcare available and more affordable for everyone.

The solution to our health care woes is not to put more regulations or government control over this sector of our economy or to provide a public option which will stifle competition and create less incentive in the market. The real solution is to free it from the bureaucratic and government constraints, getting rid of the subsidies and red tape. This will inevitably lower prices, which will create the incentive for many more people to purchase insurance at a reasonable price that cannot currently.

Wow … Burning Salt Water Could Cure Cancer

Drug-Resistant Staph Germ’s Toll Is Higher Than Thought – WPost

(Original): http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co … 92_pf.html
(Archive): http://www.westerfunk.net/archives/heal … 20Thought/

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