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Tag: Entertainment

In of Honor of the 30th Birthday of Pacman …

Play a game!

One Reason Why We All Struggle With the Things We Do

(For the record, just because I’m posting this video doesn’t mean I’m necessarily endorsing the site at the end or the campaign. I don’t think it’s bad, just haven’t checked it out to see exactly what all they are promoting or encouraging.)

Some of you may have already seen this or something like it, but it really made me sad to see what the Madison Avenue-ites are doing to both men and womens’ perception of humanity via all forms of entertainment and marketing. Everyone knows this is going on, but the video makes the difference between knowing about something that is going on and experiencing it, feeling it in your heart.

This represents a behind the scenes snapshot of what we are bombarded with everyday on television, in magazines, on billboards, that really gives us all a skewed perception of the reality of our looks. The fact of the matter is, most people (including myself) just look average. And guess what? That’s okay! That is exactly how God intended it by His good design and pleasure, for His own glory.

Illustrating Total Depravity

News as entertainment dominates our culture. It has for quite a while. This can be clearly seen in the recent Caylee Anthony story, the little girl who was allegedly killed by her own mother. Of course this is an unbelievably sad story and the pain caused by such a tragic act is tremendous for all parties involved. It should break our own hearts that this kind of wickedness happens, because it breaks the Lord’s heart. I do not intend to minimize any of this with my comments. But I do intend to attack the obsession our culture has on this story and how as Christians we need to watch our own hearts that we not fall into such wicked fixation, intending to puff ourselves up in our own supposed righteousness that we are somehow better than Caylee’s mother.

For the past year or so, ever since it broke, there has been an incessant fixation of the media upon this story. In particular, Nancy Grace has “Breaking News!” every night on her program concerning this case. I can’t think of a time I haven’t flipped past CNN that she hasn’t been ranting on and on about this story. It’s just sickening to me. We make celebrities out of murderers and every shred of “new” information that comes out of this story is somehow the greatest and biggest show-stopper in our lives, like it’s a living and breathing soap opera that we are somehow attached to through TV viewing.

Dark Helmet’s Evil Twin Sister

So, how is this fashion? Saw this on www.drudgereport.com today. Apparently, this is the latest “cutting edge” fashion on the runway in London. I’m scared and confused … Lonestarrrr! (Movie reference – Spaceballs)

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