Gospel. Culture. Technology. Music.

Month: December 2010

David’s Cranberry Relish

  • 12 oz cranberries
  • Fresh squeezed orange juice from … a large orange
  • Orange Zest
  • Lemon Zest
  • 1 can crushed pineapple
  • 3/4 cup sugar, maybe brown sugar if you desire
  • 1 cup of pecans, crushed beforehand
  • Splash of rum and whiskey (if you don’t have Grand Marnier or Brandy, which are preferable)

Pulse in food processor until chopped up into small pieces, but not too fine.

  • Sprinkle of cinnamon to taste
  • Springle of ground cloves to taste

Stir it all up together and put in the refrigerator overnight or for a few hours (overnight is better)

Calvin on Man’s Righteousness Compared to God’s

Aroused consciences, when they have to do with God, feel this [free justification in Christ alone] to be the only asylum in which they can breathe safely. For if the stars which shine most brightly by night lose their brightness on the appearance of the sun, what do we think will be the case with the highest purity of man when contrasted with the purity of God? For the scrutiny will be most strict, penetrating to the most hidden thoughts of the heart.

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